Are there any items that are prohibited from being transported?

Prohibited Items list.

Dangerous Goods

The following items cannot be shipped.
The list includes definite items, items that contain dangerous or hazardous materials (as well as items that contain only a small amount of a dangerous or hazardous material), and items that are a known risk to people or environments.

Weapons eg. Firearms, swords and knives
Explosives eg. Fireworks, sparklers, munitions (war materials and ammunition)
Items containing small amounts of explosive eg. Christmas crackers
Flammable solids eg. Matches and firelighters
Flammable liquids eg. Alcohol that is more than 24% ABV (Alcohol By Volume) and especially more than 70% ABV
Items containing flammable liquids eg. Perfumes (alcohol), paint strippers and nail varnish remover (solvents)
Gases eg. Aerosols and camping gas cylinders
Corrosive substances eg. Battery acid and drain cleaner
Toxic and infectious substances eg. Pesticides, weed killers and poisons
Oxidising substances and organic peroxides eg. Hair bleach
Radioactive material eg. Smoke alarms and luminous dials (found on watches, alarm clocks etc.)
Lithium batteries, including those in battery operated toys and in laptops
Car batteries
Fire extinguishers
Unauthorised Goods

The following items cannot be shipped.

Human remains (except for ashes)
Animal parts, skins or furs
Ivory or ivory products
Illegal drugs
Prescribed medicines
Tobacco and tobacco products
Pornographic material (to some countries)
Leather goods (to some countries)
Leakable Goods

The following items cannot be shipped.
These items are a known risk for leakage or contamination to people, environments or other items in a shipment.

Hazardous Liquids
Engines, generators or other mechanical parts that have contained oil unless completely flushed out and dried – couriers need access to the dipstick and if any oil is present the engine will not be collected
High-Risk Goods

The following items will not be insured for loss or damage. If you do ship these items it is entirely at your own risk and if confiscated by Customs, they may not be returned.

Cash, credit cards, debit cards
Passports, birth and death certificates or other unique documentation
Keys and other negotiable items of monetary or personal value
Articles of exceptional value (works of art, precious stones, gold and silver)
Antiques high in value must be sent using a special service only
Unsuitable Goods

The following items will not be insured for loss or damage and are not suitable for any of the regular courier networks we work with.

White goods (fridges, freezers, washing machines, ovens, microwaves, dishwashers, etc.)
Only flat-packed furniture can be shipped. Other home contents better suited to a Removals service or personal transportation eg. large or heavy furniture, boxes of personal effects or other collections of items, should be individually wrapped and packaged if sent via the courier network.
If suitcases filled with personal effects are sent via courier they must be packaged separately inside the suitcase that must then be shrink-wrapped or otherwise protected, since it will not be covered against damage if used as an external container: You should note that labels also stick far better to suitcases when they are wrapped appropriately.
Perishable goods eg. frozen or fresh food, and pharmaceutical products like vaccines
Plants, flowers and seeds
Fragile and High Value Goods

The following items will not be insured for damage, but can be insured for loss. They must be packaged in line with our guidelines: We recommend that expensive items, attractive to thieves, are camouflaged in their packaging to detract attention away from them.

Computers, laptops, tablets, monitors and screens, etc.
Televisions, LCD screens, plasma screens, projectors, digital displays, etc.
Glass or any item that contains glass in part eg. iPods and mobile phones or Smartphones
Ceramics, marble, china, stone or resin
Live Animals